Have you ever seen something that you think is so pretty you just HAVE to make one as well? This project pretty much took my breath away when I saw it for the first time. Now after doing 4 of them, grrr, I'm over them! Actually, what I'm really over is the binding part. Sheesh that part takes forever! Then because I tend to be a little on the "picky" side, if something doesn't look right to me, I'll take it all apart and start over.
These runners are simple as, till you get to the binding, then even that's easy, unless of course you want perfection. I tend to procrastinate emmensly when it comes to that part. I would say that start to finish, you could technically get one of these done in about 2 days. They're fairly Christmasy in color, but I've seen pictures where people have done them in different colors. One of my favorites was done in varying colors of black and gray. I MAY have to try one like that some other time.
The fabrics (selected and cut by Janelle in kit form, thank goodness!)


Pinned to begin quilting
I did the stitch in a ditch tecnique.

Wow...this is spectacular. You should be very proud of your work. Craftmanship like this is a dying art.
WOW Shelly,
This table runner is gorgeous. You did a fantastic job. I learned to make one similar a few months back, and it is trying because I, like you want to get it right. Fantastic job. I will be stopping by more. I would subscribe to you, if you get a button. Thanks!! Chris
(and thanks for helping me with my blog...you're a doll!!)
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